Saturday, October 22, 2011

Portland Society of Architects - Mayoral Questionnaire

The Portland Society of Architects, a local non-profit that promotes progress and economic development of Greater Portland by encouraging innovation and vision in design and planning,  devised a great questionnaire for the city's mayoral candidates to complete. Nine of the candidates replied and you can check out the questions and their answers here. A few sample questions include: "What is the most important thing you would do to improve the quality of the urban environment in Portland?" And "In 20 years, what would you like to see or experience while walking along Stevens, Forest or Washington Avenue?"

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Maine Alliance for Sustainable Transportation

The Maine Alliance for Sustainable Transportation, MaST for short, will be holding a general meeting on October 25th at Peloton Labs, 795 Congress Street. Check out the poster below and this post at the Portland Green Streets website for more info and to RSVP.


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